Currently, most markers open up to photo galleries that are linked to the Facebook Info page for this project.  
The photos in these galleries are still-images captured from  film footage of the reenactment scenes we have produced
 so far,  but will be gradually replaced by film vignettes for those scenes as the edits are completed for each.

 To navigate through each  photo gallery, click on the first photo in each, and then an enlarged photo with storyline caption will appear.  Use the right-arrow alongside each photo to scroll through the gallery and to follow each journey for that location. 

Enjoy your virtual expedition!

This page is still under construction--
check back often and 
watch us grow!

View Journey to The Source in a larger map


If icons are missing from this map, hit the      "Refresh" button on your browser, or delete           the previous cache in your browsing history.  

You may also click on the link below the map 
to view it in a larger Google Maps version

Explore the Headwaters Region 
with our interactive maps!

Click on the label markers on each map to open up a photo gallery or film vignette that either tells the story 
of the natural or cultural history of that place, or the tale of an explorer who journeyed there.  

Want to know more?

Click on the hourglass below
for our  "Timeline of  Exploration"
with links to historic maps 
drafted by our 
Headwaters Explorers

Coming Soon:

Tools of the Trade!

Learn about what kinds of  
survey implements our explorers 
carried in their pack baskets,
 and how they used them
Click on image above for an interactive 
panoramic journey to the Headwaters!
"The Source"
Resources  for the modern day river explorer
Virtual Journey
 to the Headwaters
River's Edge
Our Cast of Characters
Explorer Expedition Timeline & Maps
MN Alliance for Geographic Education 
Try our Spyglass Story Map for another perspective of our Explorer's Journeys! 
Click  above  for a full panoramic look at some of our fur traders in their winter encampment! 
A glimpse at the 
Intro to   "The Lost Papers of William Morrison," 
the first chapter in our series of stories 
about Headwaters Explorers

Experience  a "Sense of Place"  
through sights and sounds, with an original  Headwaters soundscape and a montage of scenes from our project! 

Sneak peak preview of our 
historical documentary project!